• Family Notes

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8th Grade Prom - May 26

8th Grade Promotion Ceremony - May 31

ACE Summer Calendar Updates


Staff Transition

I wanted to inform you of a staffing transition. As of May 12, 2023, Mr. Chavez is no longer an employee of YES Prep Public Schools and will no longer be coordinating student activities at YES Prep Southwest.  

At YES Prep, we have high standards for all professionals and do not tolerate unprofessional conduct of any kind. We act swiftly when this commitment is compromised.   

If you have any questions or concerns, please relay them to Principal Addison Feind or to Detective Brooke Jenkins (Houston Police Department) at 713-830-0586 and let them know you are calling regarding YES Prep Southwest Campus. 

-Principal Addison Feind 


Quería informarle de una transición de personal. A partir del 12 de mayo de 2023, el Sr. Chavez ya no es empleado de YES Prep Public Schools y ya no coordinará las actividades estudiantiles en YES Prep Southwest. 

En YES Prep, tenemos altos estándares para todos los profesionales y no toleramos conductas poco profesionales de ningún tipo. Actuamos rápidamente cuando este compromiso se ve comprometido. 

Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con el director Addison Feind o con Detective Brooke Jenkins (Departamento de Policía de Houston) al 713-830-0586 e infórmeles que está llamando por YES Prep Southwest Campus. 

-Director Addison Feind 

8th Grade Prom

Friday, May 26


8th Grade Promotion Ceremony

Wednesday, May 31

10:00am - Maverick Gym

***Students should report to school at the normal time (8:30am).

Make a Report YES Prep Southwest is committed to safety and security at all times. We encourage all students, families, or community members to complete an official report anytime safety may be impacted. All reports are taken incredibly seriously and investigated fully. If you ever have a suspicion, concern, or report to make, please use the online reporting systems detailed below and on our website. Students and family members can complete a report at any time, and reports can be submitted anonymously. The campus Dean of Students or another member of the administration will follow-up with each and every report made within 24 business hours of receipt. Thank you for helping to keep our school and our community safe!

Complete a safety report concerning Middle School students or staff

Complete a safety report concerning High School students or staff           

Complete a social emotional report for all students (reported to student-support counselors)

Please click on the link below with the game schedules and come check out the Mavericks!


First page of the PDF file: MiniSummerCampsJune_1






  • Family Notes

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