- Family Notes
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August 26 - August 30 - MAP Testing
Aug 27 - High School Volleyball game @ YP Southeast 5pm
Aug 30 - High School Volleyball Game @ YP Southwest 5pm
September 2 - Labor Day (No School)
September 12 - Open House/ Meet the Teacher (5pm-6:30pm)
If you have a student at YES Prep Southwest who has experienced a trauma or the death of someone close to them, we’d like to offer them the opportunity to participate in a free counseling group at the school with the Lucine Center. The group will be run by two mental health professionals and former educators who specialize in helping students to understand and cope with their experiences.
Please complete the survey below if you are interested in this opportunity for your student(s). Completing this survey does not guarantee your student’s inclusion in the group, but one of our Student Support Counselors will follow up with more information.
- Family Notes